Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Will's Chili

I love eating chili in the winter. It brings back memories of ski vacations, when I would ski a full morning, eat a bowl of chili for lunch, and power through the afternoon. Appropriately, my friend Will made this chili when he was visiting last winter. He passed the recipe on to me, and now I get to share it with you.

Will does not specify quantities for some ingredients; you can adjust the quantities to your taste. It is hard to go wrong with a recipe like this!

This makes a LOT of chili. Today I made 1/3 a recipe, about 6 servings.

6 Cans of diced tomatoes
3 cans of kidney beans (strain)
3 cans of black beans (include water from the cans)
2 cans of corn (strain)
1.5 chopped onions
2 chopped green peppers
Jalapeño peppers, diced (add more if you like it spicy)

Specialty ingredients:
Chopped cilantro
1 bottle of medium or dark beer
1 lime's worth of juice
cocoa powder (FUNFACT: The Aztecs used to combine cocoa with chili all the time)
1 diced habeñero pepper (if you're really into spiciness)

Herbs & Spices (added to taste):
garlic powder
onion powder
chili powder
black pepper
tabasco sauce
curry powder
If you like beef use it! If you don't like it, use extra paprika to get a more savory/fatty/smoky taste

Combine all ingredients in a large pot. Heat to a boil, then reduce to simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Serve with cheese and tortilla chips or over rice.

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