Thursday, May 30, 2013

Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream

Note: This requires an ice cream maker

I've been wanting to make green tea ice cream ever since tasting it at various asian restaurants. The first time I researched recipes, I discovered matcha powder is a key ingredient. I soon went to an asian grocery with an extensive tea section, and remembered to grab matcha powder. Finally I could make the ice cream!

I read through several recipes before settling on this one. I changed it a bit, adding 3 c of cream/milk instead of 2, as it was a bit too sweet after mixing. If I was making this again, I would reduce the sugar to 1/3 c or maybe even 1/4 c. Also, I thought it came out a bit too creamy, so I definitely recommend to keep the milk:cream ratio 1:1.

2 c heavy cream
1 c 2% milk
1/2 c sugar
3 T matcha powder
pinch of salt

Ice cream is easy to make with an ice cream maker, the only prep required is to freeze the bowl ahead of time.

Warm the cream in a pot over med-low heat. While heating, add the sugar and salt. Slowly add the matcha powder, whisking as you pour it in. When the mixture is steaming, remove from heat and let cool. Refrigerate until completely chilled, or overnight.

When ready to make the ice cream, pour the mix into the machine and churn until it is a creamy consistency, about 30 minutes. Serve immediately or if the ice cream is too soft, place it in the freezer for an hour, then serve.

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