Saturday, October 8, 2011

Risotto alla Milanese

My family has been making this risotto dish since we lived in Milan. The recipe was given to us by our favorite restaurant shortly before we moved away. I have many fond memories of that restaurant & of course, eating their Risotto alla Milanese.

1 1/2 c Arborio rice
1/2 c dry white wine (I used red today, it gives the rice a different color)
2 c stock plus boiled water
2 T olive oil
1/4 c finely chopped onion
1 pinch saffron threads OR 1 packet saffron powder
2 T parsley, chopped
salt & pepper, to taste
1/2 c grated parmesan cheese

In a medium pot heat the olive oil on M and saute the onion. When the onion is clear, add in the rice & wine & let the alcohol cook out for 20 seconds. Then add the stock, reduce heat to M/L, & set a timer for 25 minutes. Add in the parsley & saffron. Stir frequently & add boiled water whenever needed. The more you stir, the creamier the rice will be. When there is 5 minutes left on the time. add in salt, pepper, & the grated parmesan. Taste to make sure the rice is cooked through, it may take more or less time.

This was my first time adding parsley to the recipe & I also used red wine instead of white. It came out superbly and very creamy. When in doubt, keep stirring! I served it with some steamed asparagus & salad.

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